Network event in Murcia, Spain:
Ricardo Gomez Angel via Unsplash
Ricardo Gomez Angel via Unsplash
BIO2REG & Agro2Circular Joint Event
The first Regional Network Event of the BIO2REG project will take place in Murcia on March 13th, bringing together key regional stakeholders to discuss the transition towards a more sustainable and circular bioeconomy. This event will be held in collaboration with Agro2Circular, a project that has gathered over 40 partners from the private sector—mainly from the agri-food industry—along with public institutions and academia. Over the past years, Agro2Circular has successfully piloted a circular economy approach in the Region of Murcia, generating valuable insights and solutions for sustainable regional transformation.
As Agro2Circular reaches its conclusion, this event will not only showcase its final results but also explore how its legacy will continue through BIO2REG and other initiatives. Join us to discuss the connections between circularity and bioeconomy, share your vision for more sustainable and circular regions, and engage with key representatives from EU initiatives driving this transition forward.
The workshop is organised by the following BIO2REG partner: